Legal Maxim

S No.Legal Maxim termMeaning
1.Ab initioFrom the beginning
2.Action personalis moritur
cum persona
A personal right of action dies with the person
3. Actionable per seThe very act is punishable and no proof of
damage is required
4. Ad idemAt the same point
5.Amicus CuriaeA friend of court or member of the Bar who is
appointed to assist the court
6.Audi alteram partemHear the other side
7.Bona findeIn good faith, genuine
8.Consensus ad idemAgreement as to the same thing. (Meeting of
the minds)
9.Sine dieWith no day (indefinitely)
10.Suo MotuOn its own motion
11.Per seBy itself; taken alone
12.Prime facieAt first sight; on the face of it.
13.Quid pro quoSomething for something (action done in
return for something done)
14.Res ipsa loquiturThe thing speaks for itself
15.Status quoState of things as they are now.
16.Jus in personamRight against a specific person
Jus in remRight against the world at large
Locus standiRight of a party to an action to appear and be
heard by the court.
Lex loci actusLaw of the place where the act took place
Mala fideIn bad faith
Mens reaGuilty mind
MisnomerA wrong or inaccurate name or term
Modus operandiWay of working
In statu quoIn the present state.
Id or idemThe same thing or the same person
Intra personamA proceeding in which relief is sought against
a specific person
In lieu ofInstead of
Ipso factoBy the very nature of the case; by the mere
Injuria sine damnoInjury without damage
Ex gratiaAs a favour
Ex officioBecause of an office held.
Cy presAs nearly as may be practicable/ possible
Corpus legisBody of laws
Damnum sine injuriaDamage without injury.
De factoIn fact. (as a matter of fact)
De jureBy law
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